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About Us

Health Not Harm MD is a ballot issue committee registered in the state of Maryland. 


We are a coalition of concerned parents, health and medical experts, nonprofit organizations and faith leaders from across the state. 


We are fighting to preserve parental rights, preserve constitutional rights, and maintain healthcare integrity by defeating the deceptive “Reproductive Freedom” amendment.​


The State of Maryland has a duty to put patients before profits. All medical practices and procedures should be subject to reasonable health and safety regulations that protect patients from medical negligence. This deceptive "Reproductive Freedom" amendment would prohibit protections for patients. Applying protocols for safety and quality would require passage of a bill by the General Assembly and ratification by the voters, a long and difficult process.


We believe that parents must retain the right to make medical decisions for their minor children, especially high-risk procedures like late-term abortions or gender transition surgeries. Minor children simply do not have the same mental capacity as an adult to make an informed consent decision. This amendment does not contain minimum age or parental consent requirements which protect minor children from predatory and experimental medical practices.


We believe that women deserve access to quality prenatal care services and organizations that support the choice of motherhood.

But this amendment would deny women real choices by putting pregnancy support centers out of business. In states where this type of amendment has passed, pregnancy centers are facing lawsuits for offering abortion pill reversal and for claims of misinformation about abortion. Even though the law suits are likely to fail, the cost of legal defense could cause these pregnancy centers, which survive on donations, to close.​


We believe that the State shall not infringe on citizen rights guaranteed by the Constitution. But this deceptive amendment would restrict basic rights, such as free speech, religious freedom, and conscience protections. Once the right is enshrined in the state constitution, opposition will be seen as burdening the right. 


Stop rising healthcare costs. Money cannot be an obstacle to this right. If approved by voters in November 2024, Maryland taxpayers will fully fund these radical elective procedures through Medicaid and private health insurance providers thus increasing healthcare costs for all.


If you agree that the “Reproductive Freedom” Amendment GOES TOO FAR, join our​ efforts to inform our fellow Marylanders.

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